Phoebe Sorgen's
District 6 campaign(s):

Phoebe Sorgen's 2012 write-in candidacy has thus far received organizational endorsements from Berkeley Citizen's Action and the Berkeley Green Party. Most of her 2008 District 6 candidacy endorsers will endorse in 2012. Click here to view Phoebe's 2008 campaign endorsements.

This is a partial list of endorsers. There were many more, for which we are grateful.

We urge you to write in Phoebe Sorgen!

Berkeley Citizens Action
Berkeley Green Party
Berkeley Daily Planet
Pepper Spray Times

City Councilmember Kriss Worthington
City Councilmember Max Anderson
[*former Berkeley mayor Gus Newport]
Alecia Nelson
[*Ann Fagan Ginger, Esq.] 
Asa Dodsworth
Dave Blake
Diana Bohn
Edith Hallberg
George Lippman
Igor Tregub
Jesse Townley
John Henry
Judy Shelton
Katherine Harr
Kim Nemirow
Michael Sherman
[*Nancy Carleton]
Patrick Sheahan
Wendy Kenin

*3 term U.S. Senator Mike Gravel
Abbot Foote
Andy Jamieson
Rev. Barbara Hamilton-Holway
Becky O'Malley
Rev. Ben Meyers
Rev. Bill Hamilton-Holway
Boona Cheema
Carol Amour
Carol Denney
Carol S. Wolman, MD.
Carolyn Scarr
Christina Trucillo
Cynthia Johnson
Darien De Lu
Don Goldmacher
Edie Hartshorne
Eleanor Walden
Gael Alcock
Gail Penso
Hali Hammer
Holly Harwood
Ilse Hadda
Jacquelyn McCormick
Jeff Kaplan
Jeff Ritterman
Joey Shemuel
Joyce Kawahata, Esq.
Kaylia Bravo
Maryanne Robinson
Meaveen O’Connor
Michael Parenti
Nicholas Galloro
Nick Thabit
Nicole Milner
Patricia E. Wall, Esq.
Rafael Jesús González
Richard Tamm
Roya Sakhai, Ph.D.
Sharon Maldonado
Vivien Feyer
Walter Riley, Esq.

Adelle Lemon
Annalee Rejhon, Ph.D.
Bari Nelson
Cynthia Larson
Clare Ullman
Dina Angel-Wing
Ingrid Kepler May
Laura X
Laverda O. Allen
Leah Mazel
Lezlie Kinyon, Ph.D.
Linda Franklin
Marc Pilisuk, Ph.D.
Matt Cantor
Maureen Daggett
Michael Sorgen, Esq.
Nancy Feinberg
Nancy Lemon, Esq.
Patricia Lutke
Paul Gee
Richard Hiersch
Rozalina Gutman
Sally Francis, Ph.D.
Virginia Hollins-Davidson, Esq.

& many more
for District 6 City Council
Safety and Sustainability
for district 6 and the whole city.

Contributions are most appreciated, and please include a note with your profession/employment and employer (required by the fair campaign practices commission.)

Checks may be sent to:

Phoebe Sorgen
P.O. Box 6
Berkeley, CA 94701

Elect Phoebe Sorgen Campaign.
Thank you for your support!

Especially if you live in District 6, please let Phoebe know your concerns for our town and for our neighborhood.

Email: phoebesorgen@gmail.com
Web: http://www.phoebesorgen.net
Phone: 510-595-5575 anytime